Sectors We Serve
Navigation - Ports and Harbours
ENVIROMUD and its associates provide sediment, water quality, and bathymetric monitoring and analysis to provide understanding of local sediment transport processes. Measurements provide ‘real data’ for assessment of marine civil engineering works and dredging. This data can be used together with numerical models to enable informed decisions for sediment management.
Terrestrial run-off results in storm-drain and watercourse discharges at the coast which can have a significant impact on the nearshore environment from sediment load, water clarity and chemical constituents. These may have adverse impacts such as water quality affecting marine life and bathing beach standards. ENVIROMUD has the expertise and experience both to carry out informed coastal environmental impact assessments and investigate appropriate mitigation measures.
Mudflats and coastal wetlands are important regions for productivity for a host of marine life and birds and it is key to undestand these regions whenever coastal and habitat changes are planned.
Muddy sediment transport knowledge is important in fluvial settings, catchment run-off from fields, and drainage systems. Transfer of fine sediment and pollutants can adversely affect the water quality of downstream water bodies and is a real problem during flooding events. ENVIROMUD can measure and evaluate sedimentation problems and contaminant pathways in these scenarios.
Sediment erodibility is a key parameter in sediment transport models because it defines the likelihood for erosion under applied hydraulic bed shear stress (Tb) under natural forces of tidal, riverine and coastal currents and wave action. Erodibility is a key parameter within sediment transport models used to parameterise the threshold for seabed erosion, sediment cycling and predict areas of erosion and deposition. Using a proven novel radial field flume (SedErode), ENVIROMUD can directly measure the erodibility (critical erosion shear stress, Tcr) of cohesive sediment in-situ. The data can then be used to generate 'erodibility maps' and further refine sediment transport models and improve confidence in their predictions.
Aquatic aggregate extraction and mineral mining are huge industries worldwide and are intrinsically involved with sedimentary systems. Our surveys and consultancy services provide essential data and advice for both optimising the processes of extraction and minimising any environmental impact in line with regulatory requirements.
Want to know more about our muddy sediment measurement, analysis and consultancy?