Specialist Sediment Data Analysis
ENVIROMUD delivers reliable and knowledgeable sediment analysis and interpretation. We have specialist experience and knowledge of cohesive sediments and how they are transported within the aquatic environment. This can be applied to a wide range of situations where muddy sediment movement adversely affects hydraulic conditions, sensitive habitats, and may include the potential for pollution. Suitable for various sectors and organisations, our services include evaluation of site-specific sediment dynamics and pathways and form an essential input into conceptual models and environmental management. Analysis includes:
- Logistics
- Equipment Deployment, Calibrations, Data Collection
- Field Data Processing and Analysis
- Statistical Analysis and Graphical Presentation
- GIS Analysis
- Sediment Transport Calculations
- Conceptual Modelling
For each individual survey, detailed planning and logistcs is carried out and tailored to the site and survey needs. Multiple considerations are analysed to ensure that a survey delivers the best data set within the natural tidal, fluvial and access conditions. Liaison and use of specialist boat and access teams ensures that sites are surveys as comprehensively as possible whilst ensuring health and safety requirements are met. Our careful and rogorous logistics, planning and teamwork enables efficeient and successful surveys in the most challenging environments!
Data Analysis
Numerical data analysis is carried on a wide range of data sets and used to generate the most informative output. The output data is tailored to the individual project needs, such as erodilibity or even % mud content of samples and our data provides the optimal data for investigating sediment transport processes and site characteristics.
Statistical regressions, intercomparisions of multiple parameters, correlations and clearly presented data and tables ensure that the best results are generated for interpretation and decision making.
Sediment Erosion Plot
Graphical Interpretation
- From X-Y plots to GIS maps and everything in between, we pride ourselves on providing clear and meaningful graphical output. We strongly feel that these are key oututs of any data collection excercise and project and a great deal of care is taken to maximise the presentation for easier data interpretation.