Field Measurements
We know how important it is to base sediment transport prediction on reliable data. We pride ourselves on optimised survey design, detailed scientific and safety logistics that allow for a comprehensive and full field investigation and maximum data delivery. ENVIROMUD specialises in determination of site-specific sediment characteristics, properties and behaviour, both on the bed and the water column. Careful survey planning that cover a range of hydrodynamic and natural conditions allow evaluation of essential parameters required to predict sediment transport behaviour and patterns . Measurements are key to provide a real world understanding of local sediment behaviour and can then be used to make informed analysis, decisions and modelling.
Bed Sediment Properties
- Particle Size Analysis (PSD): Gravimetric Sieving and Pipette Analysis
- Density (dry and bulk) - Bespoke 1cm and 7cm mini-cores
- Sediment Erodibility: SedErode field flume - Critical Erosion Shear Stress (Tcr) - in-situ, on Grab Samples, or Box Cores)
- Shear Strength - High sensitivity shear vane
- Chemical Constituents: Pollutants, Organic Carbon, Nitrogen, Heavy Metals, Chlorophyll etc. (External Analysis)
- Macrobenthos: Wet-Sieved sampling in-situ, photographs (Identification by External Analysis)
- Detailed Observations - Visual sediment chacteristics, topography, covering, biofilms etc.
Grab Sampling
Sampling and Observation
Shear Vane Strength Measurement
SedErode Erodibility Measurement
- Turbidity: Calibrated to Total Suspended Sediment
- Use of Submersible Autonomous Sensors
- In-situ Particle Settling Velocity
- Fluid Mud Formation and Dispersion
- Water Velocity and Bed Shear-Stress Regimes
- Conductivity / Salinity / Temperature
Owen Tube Water Sampling
Pumped Bottle Sampling
Settling Rate Measurements
Boat Based Surveys
Bathymetry and Morphology
- Multibeam and LIDAR Survey (with Shoreline Surveys Ltd
- Bathymetry Mapping (with Shoreline Surveys Ltd)
- Morphological Features
Undertaking Reliable Field Investigations
We complete all sediment measurements and evaluations to the highest possible standard.