Laboratory Services
ENVIROMUD has it's own bespoke laboratory and instrumentation to measure detailed sediment properties and behavioural characteristics. Measurements can be tailored to the sediment and enviornment under investigation and can include particle size analysis, sediment grain micro-photography, density, detailed photographs, mineralology, selected sieving and accurate filtrations for suspended sediment concentration determination. Bespoke laboratory tests, methodologies and techniques can be developed to optimise measurements for a particular sediment type.
Particle size analysis
ENVIROMUD carries out Particle Size Analysis (PSA) to the highest standard using seiving and pipette analysis as standard (to BS 1377). Laser diffraction PSA methods are carried out by external laboratories if required and integrated into the results. Statistical analysis of the sand grain fraction is routinely carried out to generate an additional understanding of the sand-type populations.
Instrument calibrations are essential to provide reliable data on Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) from optical turbidity data sensors. Detailed and rigorous calibrations are carried out in the laboratory to calibrate different turbidity sesnors to site-specific sediment chactaeristics for a project site. SedErode is calibrated for flow rates (used to derive the applied shear stress) and turbidity sesnor response.
Bespoke fine-sediment filtration apparatus is used to determine Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) of water bottle samples in the laboratory. A rigourous methodology, filtering, drying and weighing on a 4 decimal place scales enable TSS to be determinsed withhigh accuracy.
Density cores are taken in the field by extracting known deoth and volumes of surface sediment (1cm and 7cm depth mini cores. Using the calibrated weight and volume of the corers, and weighing the internal sediment, the dry and bulk desnity can be derived. Density is a key measurement and is used to assess the consolidation and age of surface sediments and better understand the processes of deposition and erosion at a site.
Equipment Maintenance
A wide range of instrument and survey kit maintenance is carried out in the laboratory and workshop, from precision cleaning, soldering, maintenance of PPE and survey samplers. Regular and careful maintenance ensures that our instrumentation and equipment is in top condition for whatever survey needs it is used for.